To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 7 April 2014.
The minutes of the meeting held on 7 April 2014 were approved as a correct record subject to Steve Ripley (Ramblers’ Association) being listed as present.
Matters Arising
Ponds Project Correspondence
The Chairman noted that the correspondence between the City of London Corporation and the Heath & Hampstead Society between December 2013 and March 2014 had been made available and copies were available on request.
Planning – Athlone House
Susan Rose noted that the proposal to list Athlone House had been refused.
Graffiti – Hill Garden Shelter
The Chairman noted this would be dealt with as part of the Superintendent’s update.
Dog Control Orders (DCOs)
The Chairman reiterated that the outcome of the trial of DCOs at Burnham Beeches would be reported to the November meeting of the committee, and that a public report of the City of London Corporation providing an update on the current legislative process would be issued at the end of the meeting.
The Good, The Bad, The Ugly
The Chairman noted that the sculpture had been moved to Golders Hill Park on 27 May in the presence of Jake Chapman, who was very pleased with the location. In response to a query from Ian Harrison over why Golders Hill Park had been chosen as a venue over Parliament Hill, the Chairman replied that Golders Hill Park had ultimately been identified as the more secure of the two sites. The Deputy Chairman added that the final decision had also been influenced by concerns expressed by the Hampstead Heath Consultative Committee at its last meeting.
In response to a query from Helen Payne, the Operational Manager replied that access issues that had originally prevented the location of the sculptures in Golders Hill Park had been overcome following the decision to use a different location within the Park. The decision had been taken in consultation with the artists.
Additional Work Programme Bids 2015/16
The Chairman noted that the AWP 2015/16 bids for Hampstead Heath were shortly due to be submitted to the Resource Allocation Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee for decision. He cautioned that, whilst 100% of bids had been agreed in the past, this did not necessarily mean that full approval would be granted in the future.
Planning – Garden House
Ian Harrison noted that the owners of Garden House were not proceeding with a proposed alternative scheme for the development of the property.
Hampstead Heath Constabulary Dogs
The Chairman noted that this item would be covered in the Superintendent’s update.
Pitt Arch Sign
In response to a question from Ian Harrison, the Superintendent replied that the restoration of the Pitt Arch sign had been included in the Heath work programme.
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