Agenda item

Grants and Strategic Initiatives Recommendations and Assessments

To consider the Chief Grants Officer’s reports on grant recommendations as follows:-


Item 7a (Paladin – National Stalking Advocacy Service CIC) – In response to Members’ queries, officers reported that the charity did not work exclusively with women, and it had been informed a formal reserves policy must be developed but that the detail was yet to be set.


Item 7c (One North East London) – In response to a Member’s query, officers confirmed that this charity focussed on working with people affected by drugs and alcohol addiction and did not provide specific help for those affected by other addictions such as gambling.


Item 7d (London Symphony Orchestra Limited) – Officers confirmed that this funding request was for the charity’s outreach work, and as such was unrelated to funding given to the LSO by the City of London Corporation elsewhere. Members queried why the recommended grant exceeded the amount requested and the Chief Grants Officer reported that during the course of the application it became apparent that a better method to evaluate and share best practice with other organisations was required to optimise the work being done. The additional £15,000 being requested would fund a ‘Critical Friend’ over 3 years to work alongside and evaluate the project and offer suggestions as it progressed. Members requested that the revised figures be clarified in the Chief Grants Officer’s report at the next meeting.


Item 7e (Shine) – In response to a Member’s query, officers reported that funding for one additional post was being requested but that the charity had the equivalent of two and a half posts overall. Members also noted that the requested amount had increased due to the need for a laptop and to fund attendance of meetings in London.


Item 7f (Connaught Opera) – In response to a Member’s query officers responded that DVD creation and distribution would be difficult for the charity to take on considering their limited capacity. Members expressed their support for the organisation and proposed that the grant be extended for a third year and in line with the original request. This would be within the City Bridge Trust’s policy.

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