Agenda item

Update report

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services (copy attached)

For information


This report updated Members on issues raised by the Residents’ Consultation Committee and the Barbican Residential Committee at their meetings in March 2012.  The report also provided updates on other issues on the Estate.


Performance Indicators (PI)


Members were concerned that PI  H61 (outstanding invoices) might affect small, local businesses and asked for this to be investigated. 


Bicycle stores


Due to the increase in the waiting list for Bicycle Stores it was agreed that Officers look to purchase further stores.


Car Park Charging


Members noted that they would receive a report on Car Park Charging in November, which will include income generation.   


Concrete Testing


In respect of the concrete testing charges, which had been the subject of a ward mote and Resolution of Common Council, Members would receive a report in September.  Members noted that letters had been sent out in respect of service charges (relating to the concrete works) but any disputes would be held in abeyance until September and no overdue accounts would be pursued until then. 


Sculpture Court


In respect of a query about the Sculpture Court planters, Members were advised that they would be in place later this month.  The City Surveyor clarified that this had been funded by a developer but it had not been Section 106 funding. 


Working Parties


A Member challenged the large number of working parties and committees dealing with Barbican Estate issues and suggested that some of them might be duplicating business and/or could be combined.  The Chairman of the Barbican RCC was in attendance and the Chairman invited him to respond.   The Chairman (of the RCC) felt that there was very little or no overlapping areas and the list represented defined areas of operation.  Officers advised that it was not within the remit of the BRC to challenge the number and operation of these groups as they were paid for by the residents, via their service charges. 




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