Agenda item

Any other business that the Chairman considers Urgent


The Chairman had agreed to accept 2 items of urgent business as follows:


1.            Beech Gardens Waterproofing Project


Members noted that a report was being prepared for both the Project Sub Committee and the Barbican Residential Committee detailing the reasons for the increased costs and giving revised estimated costs.  As the information had only recently become available, the report would be going to the Project Sub Committee first, on 20 June.  The Barbican Residential Committee were therefore recommended to approve delegated authority to the Chairman and Deputy Chairman to approve the report, once it had been to the Projects Sub Committee.  If the report were to be delayed to the September Committee, the tender process and works would also be delayed.




That authority be delegated to Town Clerk in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the BRC to approve the Beech Gardens Waterproofing Project.


2.            Governance Review


Members noted that a Working Party was currently reviewing the changes instigated last year, as part of the review of The City Corporation’s governance arrangements.  Members had been emailed a report of the Town Clerk seeking their views before September.  Members noted they would also be consulted on an individual basis.  No specific views were expressed.