Agenda item

Grants Approved under Delegated Authority


The Committee received a report of the Chief Grants Officer which advised Members of 6 expenditure items, totalling £36,150, which had been presented for approval under delegated authority to the Chief Grants Officer in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman.



·      Aspire - £1,800 for the costs of commissioning an independent Walk and Talk audit and design appraisal, to inform and ensure best practice on access issues.

·      Tax Volunteers – £2,850 for one year towards Tax Volunteers for home visits to Londoners aged over 75 years.

·      Tricycle Theatre Company - £5,000 for the costs of commissioning an independent design appraisal, to inform and ensure best practice on access issues.


Strategic Initiatives

·      Human Trafficking Foundation – £22,500 to fund a feasibility study into establishing a pilot to deliver improved after-care/support for survivors of Modern Day Slavery.



·      St Edward’s Church and Development Project – £2,000 (£400 x 5 days) for the provision of an eco-audit.

·      St Matthew’s Church Surbiton – £2,000 (£400 x 5 days) for the provision of an eco-audit.

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