Agenda item

Election of Deputy Chairman

To elect a Deputy Chairman for the ensuing year in accordance with Standing Order 30.


RESOLVED – That in accordance with Standing Order No 30, Deputy John Tomlinson be elected Deputy Chairman for the ensuing year.


Deputy Bill Fraser paid tribute to Deputy John Tomlinson, the past Chairman.



It was the sincere wish of the Members of the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee to place on record their deep appreciation and thanks to DeputyJohn Tomlinson showed enthusiasm, integrity and professionalism through his Chairmanship of the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee.


Deputy Tomlinson put considerable effort into preparations for the 2012 Olympic Games. He was a source of extremely useful constructive challenge but also extremely supportive of our efforts and always recognised hard work and determination of staff.


Deputy Tomlinson’s commitment to the improvement of street cleansing standards has seen him oversee the introduction of solar powered compacting litter bins and the development and agreement a new Waste Strategy for the City.


Deputy Tomlinson has fostered closer working relationships between officers and members and his personal intervention has seen the increase in toilet provision, especially within the innovative Community Toilet Scheme which now boasts some 75 members.


Deputy Tomlinson has been a driving force behind limiting the times when waste can be left out on our streets with the innovative ‘Time banding’ system. His fastidious approach to the delivery of this scheme ensured high compliance and wide spread support of the initiative.


Deputy Tomlinson has overseen the introduction of the Food Hygiene Rating Scheme and a record throughput at Heathrow Animal Reception Centre with year-on-year increases in income, again to record levels. He instigated a Health & Safety Information campaign and a revision of the Code of Practice for good practice in construction and deconstruction, focussing on improved consultation with neighbouring residents and businesses.


During Deputy Tomlinson’s chairmanship, new and specific legislation to control the scourge of ice cream vans in the City has received Royal assent. He has instigated a Health & Safety Information campaign as well as influencing changes to the ‘Consumer landscape’. Ongoing issues with scams have led to improved cooperation of Trading Standards with the police over economic crime.


Deputy Tomlinson has been a champion for improving air quality in London. He was given a ‘Clean Air in Cities Award’ in 2013 by Clean Air London and is [now/becoming] an Honorary Founder Supporter of Clean Air in London.


And so in taking leave of Deputy Tomlinson as their Chairman, Members of this Committee wish to thank him for his service and excellent leadership with which he has conducted the Committee's demanding agendas to decision and to wish him every possible success in the future.


Deputy Tomlinson responded, thanking Members of the Committee for their support and hard work during his chairmanship.