Agenda item


1.    To agree the public Minutes and summary of the Barbican Centre Board held on 30 May 2012

2.    To note the public draft Minutes and summary of the Barbican Risk Committee held on 21 May 2012

3.    To note the public draft Minutes and summary of the Barbican Finance Committee held on 2 July 2012




i)              the minutes of the previous Board meeting be approved subject to the following amendments being made:-


John Scott and Alderman David Graves were both present on 30 May 2012 and apologies had been received from Deputy Richard Regan.


N.B It was noted that as the Development Sub Committee was now dormant, Christopher Purvis would need to be appointed as a trustee of the Barbican Centre Trust in his own right rather than ex officio as chairman of that sub committee. This required no change to the constitution of the Board or Trust.


ii)             the Minutes of the Risk Committee of the Barbican Centre Board held on 21 May 2012 be noted; and


N.B:  It was agreed that the Risk Committee would be chaired by the Deputy Chairman of the Board at future meetings.


iii)            the Minutes of the Finance Committee of the Barbican Centre Board held on 2 July 2012 be noted and the following Officers included in the list of attendees: -


Julie Mayer

Town Clerk’s Department

Mathew Lawrence

Town Clerk’s Department

Richard Jeffrey

Comptroller and City Solicitor’s Department

Howard Hillier-Danes

City Surveyor’s Department

Sir Nicholas Kenyon

Managing Director of the Barbican Centre

Sandeep Dwesar

Barbican Centre

Shaun Kerfoot

Barbican Centre

Leonora Thomson

Barbican Centre

Jim Turner

Barbican Centre

Peter Martin

Barbican Centre

Louise Jeffreys

Barbican Centre


At the Chairman’s request, the Town Clerk agreed that, in future, the approved minutes of the Audit and Risk and Finance Committee of the Barbican Centre Board could be circulated electronically, with hard copies being made available upon request.





Supporting documents: