Agenda item

Management Report by the Centre's Directors

Report of the Managing Director (copy attached)

For Information


The Board received a report of the Managing Director of the Barbican Centre updating Members on the six sections of the Barbican Centre.


The Managing Director of the Barbican Centre added that an outstanding weekend of work had just taken place beyond the walls of the Barbican which had gained high profile coverage and very good attendances, in addition to the continuing success of events at the Centre.


Members were informed that the Barbican Centre had attained 1000 red Members, which had reaffirmed that the current membership strategy was now moving in the right direction. The recent Lord Mayor’s Breakfast had brought together a wide range of digital stakeholders from the City and East London.


The Chief Operating and Financial Officer informed Members that there had been recent water supply issues with Citigen, but it was hoped that these would be resolved in the very near future. He added that there would be a contingency option put in place to link the supply of Guildhall and the Barbican Centre to ensure that the buildings would not be affected if such problems reoccurred.


The Chairman responded to queries about Members tickets for events at the Barbican Centre and reminded Members of the guide in the induction document which was available to all Members. The Barbican Centre wished all Board Members to attend events, and tickets would be found wherever possible for any event, but there were logistical and financial limits on the number available, so it might not always be possible for members to be accommodated. There would also be special events throughout the year that all Members of the Board would be invited to attend.



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