Agenda item

End of Year Performance against Targets in the Policing Plan 2013-16

Report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police in respect of performance against the Policing Plan 2013-2016 for the 2013-2014 financial year.


With regard to the Forces notable achievements set out on page 38, the Assistant Commissioner explained that further to the successful application for the funds of £3.2m which would be forfeited under the Proceeds of Crime Act following the investigation of a money laundering investigation, the Force was award half of the forfeited funds which were to be reinvested into Crime Fighting.


In respect of the figures around rough sleepers, it was noted that this was no longer a target in next years’ local policing plan, however, Members were reassured that it would still be a Directorate target and would be monitored at the Force’s PMG at which the Town Clerk was represented.  It was also noted that these figures were reported to Community and Children’s Services Committee and it was agreed that these reports could be circulated to Members of this Sub Committee for information.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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