Agenda item

Financing Europe's Investment and Economic Growth Report

Report of the Director of Economic Development.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Director of Economic Development which introduced a report by John Llewellyn Consulting (initiated by the International Regulatory Strategy Group’s (IRSG’s) Anglo-French Committee on financing growth and investment in Europe.


The Director of Economic Development explained that the proposals in the report from John Llewellyn appeared to have support from the European Commission, and demonstrated an excellent example of the strong working relationship that had been developed with French colleagues. It was thought that this work would be a useful example of the strong working relationships that can be developed between the UK and other countries.


A Member explained that he was surprised that there was no direct mention of European Long Term Investment Funds. The Director of Economic Development explained that there was an additional annex to the report from John Llewellyn Consulting which may include information on these Funds, and he would discuss this with the Member following the meeting.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee notes the report.

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