Agenda item

Adults Safeguarding Self-Assessment

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Sub Committee received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services presenting an overview of the Safeguarding Adults at Risk Audit Tool. Members noted that this was particularly pertinent in light of the political focus that the Care Act would create by placing the Safeguarding Adults Boards on a statutory footing. Officers advised that the Adult Social Care service met 18 of the 22 requirements (green), with 4 assessed as requiring additional action (amber) and no reds identified.


Members discussed the report, noting the importance of multi-agency discussions to ensure a seamless service for residents. In response to a Member’s question, officers undertook to investigate how many Acts of Legislation affected the Safeguarding service overall.



(a)  The Assistant Director of People investigate how many Acts of Legislation affected the Safeguarding service overall; and

(b)  The report be noted.

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