Agenda item

Members' Equipment Refresh - Update

Report of the Chamberlain.


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Chamberlain which provided an update on Members’ equipment. For particular highlight was the proposal to issue iPads to all Members on request. This move had been supported by the fact that information was more secure on the iPad than in hard copy and could provide some cost savings if Members agreed to access Committee papers online instead of hard copy.


The Chamberlain advised Members that the rollout of iPads may not meet strict cost/benefit criteria at present but would bring other benefits such as more efficient working practices. He agreed to bring a report to the next Sub Committee meeting which set out both the potential for savings along with other less quantifiable benefits.


The Sub Committee discussed whether it would be useful to meet more regularly and it was agreed that it would be more effective to have informal meetings as an when particular matters arise.


RESOLVED – It be noted that:-

(i)            the security review of iPad, Blackberry and the Modern.Gov application currently underway is completed to confirm that there is appropriate protection in place for the sensitivity of the data to be stored on these devices;

(ii)           following the satisfactory outcome of this review, that iPads are added to the list of equipment available to Members and moved from a pilot into business as usual; and

(iii)          the savings from reduced printing enabled by these devices are used to offset their costs.

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