Joint report of the Chamberlain and Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.
A joint report of the Chamberlain and Director of Markets and Consumer Protection comparing the 2013/14 revenue outturn for the services overseen by the Committee with the final budget for the year, was considered. The report explained that overall total net income during the year was (£0.561m) whereas the total agreed budget was £0.257m, representing an under spend and/or increase in income generation of (0.818m).
The Chamberlain presented this report explaining that for 2013/14 there was an overall surplus for the Markets & Consumer Protection Department. The table set out in the summary of the report combined both the local and central risk budget figures and the table at page 10 set out the split between both local and central risk figures. It was noted that future reports would ensure the cross reference of figures between the tables to assist Members. There was a local risk underspend of (£411,000) with proposals to carry forward £213,000 for various projects which were set out at page 12. Annex A1 provided a detailed breakdown of local risk and the reasons for significant variances and A2 provided a similar detailed breakdown and explanation for variances for central risk.
A discussion took place and in response to a question by a Member the Chamberlain and the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection pointed out that the proposed carry forwards were discussed with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman prior to being put forward to the Chamberlain for approval in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of Resource Allocation Sub Committee.
In relation to the local risk underspend of £655,000 on the City Surveyor’s planned works, the explanations for this were set out at page 11. In response to a question from a Member on why the programme of works had been delayed the Superintendent of Billingsgate Market noted that the replacement of the fire alarm system was envisaged to be replaced over a three year period however it was found more cost effective for this to be done in a single phase and would now start in November 2014. He commented that continual discussions were taking place between the Department and the City Surveyor on the delayed projects.
In response to a question by a Member the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection explained that the budget estimates for 2014/15 had not changed since they were presented to Members for approval. Should any changes need to be made exceeding 10% a further report would be submitted to this Committee.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be noted.
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