Agenda item

Smithfield Market - Condenser Water Cooling System - update

Report of the City Surveyor.


A report of the City Surveyor provided Members with an update on the performance of the Condenser Water Cooling System, at Smithfield Market, which serves Tenants’ refrigeration equipment, and the works currently being undertaken to improve the system. The report highlighted that the performance of the condenser water cooling system was currently satisfactory. He reported that operating problems were experienced with two cooling tower fans in May 2014 which led to an increase in the water supply temperature. This caused difficulties for the refrigeration units of one tenant, although did not appear to affect other units. All cooling tower fans were now running again and the third phase of the City’s improvement works, aimed at addressing contamination in the system, was underway, and would largely be completed by the end of July 2014. He noted that the Spares Policy had been reviewed and maintenance inspections were taking place on the cooling tower fans.

A discussion took place and in response to a question by a Member the City Surveyor explained that the responsibility for the operation of the system was jointly of both the City Corporation and the individual tenants and that who would specifically be liable for a fault would be dependent on the individual problem.

It was noted that until a new service level specification of the system had been agreed the City Corporation would continue to operate to current standards.


RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be noted.


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