Agenda item

Christmas 2014 - Smithfield Market Traffic Management Plan

Report of the Superintendent of Smithfield Market.


A report of the Superintendent of Smithfield Market updated Members on the measures being taken to implement a more comprehensive Traffic Management Plan at Smithfield Market for the Christmas period 2014, in order to alleviate the congestion, and at times gridlocking, of traffic around the Market which was experienced during Christmas 2013. The report highlighted that there was an outstanding issue over payment for the increased resources that the City Police and officers considered was required for the expanded traffic management area which Members’ guidance was sought on.

It was noted that following further consultation with other interested parties, such as the City of London Police and Highways Department, a final Traffic Management Plan  would be presented for approval at the September 2014 Committee meeting.


The Superintendent explained that a considerable amount of work had been undertaken with various discussions taking place with the City Police, SMTA and other parties to improve the traffic management plan.


The Chairman invited the SMTA representative in the public gallery to give her thoughts on the proposed plan; she noted that the tenants were prepared to move forward with the traffic management plan and would engage with the proposal.


In response to a question by a Member it was pointed out that as a matter of routine neighbouring authorities were notified of road closures on boundary streets.


In relation to the funding of the new traffic management plan, Members were of the view that there should be no cost impact to this Committee. It was agreed that officers would explore potential funding streams, including the on-street parking reserve and bring a report to the next meeting.

Members thanked all officers involved in the work that had been carried out in devising the new plan.


RESOLVED – That Members approve the traffic management plan in principle, and that a further report be submitted to the next meeting on the funding proposals for providing additional traffic control measures such as the appointment of private stewards.



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