Agenda item

Consolidated Revenue Outturn 2013/14

To receive the report of the Chamberlain and Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee noted the comparison between the revenue outturn for the services overseen by the Director of Open Spaces in 2013/14 and the final agreed budget for the year. In total, there was a better than budget position of £188,000 for the services overseen by the Committee compared with the final agreed budget for the year as set out below.


Members noted the proposal to carry forward £217,000 from the Director’s better than budget position of £232,000 (Local Risk) across all Open Spaces. These requests would be considered by the Chamberlain in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Resource Allocation Sub Committee. The shortfall of £56,000 at the Nursery would be transferred to reserves.


The 2013/14 consolidated latest approved budgets for Open Spaces was £15.750m and were received by your Committee in February 2014 and endorsed by the Court of Common Council in March 2014 and subsequently updated for approved adjustments. For information, the Cemetery and Crematorium had also been included in this report, to show the overall position for the Department, although it was reported to Port Health & Environmental Services Committee.

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