Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman Considers Urgent


The meeting was inquorate for the consideration of the item.


Inner North East London Joint Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee (INEL JHOSC)

The Assistant Director, Partnerships and Commissioning gave an update on the matters discussed at the INEL JHOSC meeting held on 20th November 2014, including the completion of the Cancer and Cardio review. The Committee had also discussed the recent issues raised about Barts Health Trust and concluded that, although they still had concerns, these were being addressed better and more openlyhonestly than in the past. Members noted that the INEL JHOSC representatives were as attending a visiting of the new King George V site on 15th December and this invitation would include a member of  had been extended to  the Sub Committee. The Deputy Chairman  indicated that he would attend on behalf of the Sub Committee and report back to the next meeting.