Agenda item

Review of Guidelines for Special Events


The Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment which summarised the findings of a review of the current procedure for considering applications to hold major special events in the Square Mile.


Members extended their congratulations to officers for a very sound piece of work.


The Committee also considered a resolution from the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee which stated that the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of that Committee be appointed to the Officer Events Group with immediate effect. The Chairman stated that it was not appropriate for any Members to be appointed to an officer group, which the Committee with, and reiterated that this did not accord with what had been agreed by the Policy & Resources Committee, which set out that the Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Planning and Transportation Committee and the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee would be consulted on special events.



a)    the Planning and Transportation Committee do not agree to the proposal for the appointment of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee to the Officer Events Group.

b)    the proposals for a revised Special Events consideration process be agreed;

c)    the revised fees and charging structure be agreed;

d)    the changes to the Children’s Parade event, which will be subject to a full post-event review be noted;

e)    support be given to the Royal Marines Parade; and

f)     the application for the ‘Walk a Mile in Her Shoes’ event be accepted.


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