Agenda item

Street Trading Policy

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection regarding the Street Trading Policy.


The Committee discussed the City Corporation’s powers in relation to the seizure of unlicensed ice cream vans, and the level of charges made to small traders for temporary licences for City events.


A Member noted that one of the factors used to determine the granting of temporary street trading licences should be the impact upon existing ratepaying business. The Director of Markets and Consumer Protections stated that this was included as part of the Policy.


RESOLVED - That the report be noted.


Extension of the meeting

At this point, the time limit for Committee meetings as set out in Standing Order No 40 had been reached, but there being a two-thirds majority of the Committee present who voted in favour of an extension, the Committee agreed to continue the meeting.

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