Agenda item

Committee Work Programme

Members are asked to note the Committee’s Work Programme.


Members received the Committee’s work plan and noted that ‘Deep Dives’ into corporate risks would be re-introduced from January 2016, starting with Air Quality, which had been approved by the Chief Officers’ Summit Group as a new Corporate Risk. 


The Summit Group had also agreed to add Road Safety as a new Corporate Risk.  Members suggested that, given the current press interest in cyclist and road casualties, it should also be considered as a deep dive at the next meeting,  with a relevant officer from the City of London Police in attendance.  Members noted that the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee on 20 November would receive a report on remodelling of Bank junction.


There was a further suggestion that, in addition to the Risk Challenge Session for the 3 schools, a further session be added covering Education more generally, with an invitation extended to the Chairman of the Education Board.


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