Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the Committee


In response to a Member’s question regarding the build-up of litter on ledges, steps and statues particularly in and around Prudence Passage, the Assistant Director of Street Cleansing advised that enforcement activity could be increased in certain areas if necessary and that contractors would be reminded of the importance of fulfilling the contract requirements and ensuring waste was removed from ledges and steps as part of the cleansing operation.


In response to a Member’s question regarding the number of bins within the City, the Director of Transportation and Public Realm advised that an increase in number would need to be carefully considered in light of the recent security threat levels being raised and the additional expenses involved to install and empty new bins. However, if any Member was experiencing high levels of littering in their ward he would be pleased to discuss trialling a littler bin in a suitable location.


In response to a Member’s question regarding the Biennial Inspection of the City of London Cemetery on 3 September 2014, the Director of Open Spaces and Superintendent of the City of London Cemetery and Crematorium advised that a new format for the event would be looked into, in consultation with the Town Clerk, to incorporate more external guests at the visit.


The Committee discussed whether enough was being done to carry out their duty to reduce pollution and energy use within the City. A Member noted that the Transport and Sustainability Forum was in place to discuss sustainability and environmental challenges and collaboration with TfL was required to reduce the impact of vehicle pollution in the City. The Deputy Chairman added that if committee members were interested in taking a more joined up look at its responsibilities a small sub group could perhaps be set up. The Town Clerk would look into this.