To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on Monday 2 June 2014.
RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the meeting held on Monday 2 June 2014 be approved as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:
Gateway 4c – Detailed Design: Hampstead Heath Ponds Project
Work on the catchpit was being carried out to ensure there was a lesser impact on other areas of the Hampstead Chain of ponds, not the Highgate chain.
Ladies Pond Fatality Report
Richard Sumray supported the way that the City had dealt with issues associated with the induction of new swimmers and the possible installation of a second platform.
Matters Arising
In response to a question from Jeremy Wright, the Assistant Director of Engineering advised that the Design Phase Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) would be completed and made available after the detailed design had been finalised.
Supporting documents: