Agenda item

Careers Fair and Work-Related-Learning Support for London's Young People

Report of the Director of Economic Development.


A report of the Director of Economic Development updating Members on the Careers Fairs activities and work related-learning support for London’s young people was considered.


The Assistant Director of Economic Development explained that following the Hackney Careers in the City event 95% of young people agreed they now understood what skills and qualities were considered by potential employers. In relation to the employee volunteering scheme it was highlighted that during quarter one of the year approximately 54 volunteers from the City Corporation had been involved with the City’s Academies. 


A discussion took place and it was noted that the dates of the future careers events would be circulated to Members of the Board along with the names of the companies who engaged with the careers events, with a view to encouraging other companies to participate.   


In relation to the ‘Bridging the Gap’ event for NEETs which took place on 10 March 2014, Members discussed the potential for this event to be delivered again in the future.


It was noted that these events involved a considerable amount of work for and could not be held as frequently as demand would like.  Members suggested that the model being adopted for these events could be rolled out to the livery to allow them to run the event themselves, if they so wished. 


RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be noted.


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