Agenda item

Outstanding References

Report of the Town Clerk


The Town Clerk advised the Committee that prior to the meeting, the Chairman had requested that some additions be made to the Outstanding References report, as the report circulated with the agenda did not include all of the actions from the previous meeting. Therefore, the Town Clerk had circulated a revised version of the Outstanding References report around the table, with the amendments proposed by the Chairman highlighted. The Town Clerk advised that each of the additional items included within the revised Outstanding References document was addressed within a Briefing Note, which had been circulated to Members by email earlier in the week and copies of which had been put around the table.


Barbican CCTV

A Member commented that he had been unable to attend the last meeting, but met with the Commissioner prior to the meeting to discuss the Barbican CCTV report. He explained that he had commented to the Commissioner that the crime statistics for the Barbican Estate had been calculated during a period when there had been no access to Podium level, which would have an impact on the statistics. The Member explained that he had noted that the opening of Crossrail may also have an impact on the statistics.


The Member therefore requested that the statistics be reviewed once access to the Podium had been restored and, also, when the Crossrail station had opened. The Commissioner agreed that these reviews would be undertaken.


Police Pensions Sub-Committee

The Town Clerk advised the Committee that, in addition to the Chairman, two Scheme Manager representatives to the Police Pensions Sub-Committee had been identified (Alex Deane as a Common Council representative and Helen Isaacs as an employer representative) as had two Scheme Member representatives (Davina Plummer and Kieran Sharp).


A potential third Scheme Member representative, to complete the Sub-Committee, had been identified. However, the Chairman of the Sub-Committee explained that the representative had been unwilling to commit to the training requirements of the role.


Members queried whether it would be possible to hold the first meeting of the Sub-Committee with only two Scheme Member representatives appointed. The Town Clerk explained that the legislation required that the Sub-Committee comprise an equal number of Scheme Manager and Scheme Member representatives, so it would not be advisable to meet without all representatives being appointed.


Members discussed the appointment of the third Scheme Member representative and agreed that the Town Clerk should write to the potential representative to advise him of the need to comply with the training requirements of the role. The Committee agreed that if the representative agreed to the requirements, he should be appointed.


Community Engagement Review


The Commissioner advised that the Community Engagement Review had been embedded into the One Safe City programme, which would ensure that appropriate community safety communication was conducted by both the Police and the Corporation. The Commissioner confirmed that a written report regarding progress in this area could be submitted to the Committee in January 2017.


RESOLVED – That the various Outstanding Reference and the updates provided thereon be noted.

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