Report of the Superintendent – Smithfield Market
A report of the Superintendent of Smithfield Market updated Members on the outcome of investigations to identify possible alternative sources of funding for private stewards in order to implement a more comprehensive Traffic Management Plan at Smithfield Market for Christmas Period 2014. Funding of £8,000 was requested from the projected Central Risk underspend or from a reduction in car parking concessions. It was hoped that the plan would alleviate the congestion and gridlocking of Christmas 2013.
In response to a question by a Member, a representative of the City of London Police assured the Committee that accreditation under the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme would be investigated which would result in Traffic Stewards being more effective in their role. It was noted that as Market Constabulary staff had regulating traffic listed within their job description they should be trained to become Traffic Stewards, which may prove more cost effective. The Superintendent assured Members that signage within the Traffic Management Plan would identify all vehicles in full and not contain any abbreviations.
RESOLVED – That Members approve:
· The Final Traffic Management Plan.
· Funding the private stewards and signage from the projected underspend on Smithfield Central Risk budgets
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