Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.
The Committee received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath that detailed the success of the Hampstead Heath Events Programme from January to October 2014. Members were advised that the 2014 Programme consisted of over 110 sports, wellbeing, and cultural events, which would have engaged with over 80,000 members of the public by the end of 2014. It was also noted that the England National Cross-Country Championships would be returning to the Heath on Saturday 21 February 2015.
The Leisure and Events Manager advised that paid events had so far generated income of over £160,000 before costs, which was important during current financial challenge. He thanked his staff for their commitment during this busy event period which was echoed by the Committee, who also thanked the Leisure and Events Manager for his important contribution.
In response to a question from Michael Hammerson, the Leisure and Events Manager advised that courses on the ecology of the Heath could be provided in the future as part of the Education Programme. This may also be an extra source of income for the Heath.
RESOLVED – That the success of the Hampstead Heath Events Programme in engaging audiences on the Heath through sports, wellbeing, and culture, be noted.
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