Agenda item

HMIC Inspection update 2014-15

Report of the Commissioner of Police.


The Committee received a report of the Commissioner of Police which provided an update on the City of London Police response to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) inspection reports as they were published over the course of the 2014/2015 financial year.


The Sub Committee discussed the recommendations contained in Appendix A and B to the report and it was agreed that an action plan responding to the HMIC recommendations be produced and included as a standing item on all Agendas.


The Sub Committee requested a briefing note be circulated before the next meeting which provided an update on the HMIC recommendations detailed Appendix B (Making Best Use of Police Time) with a completion deadline date of 31st October 2014.


Stop and Search – It was agreed to circulate an invitation to all Members of the Police Committee to be given the opportunity to accompany officers on patrol to experience how Stop and Search was implemented on the street.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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