Agenda item

Public Minutes

To agree the public minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2014.



RESOLVED – That the public minutes of the meeting held on 21 July 2014 were approved as a correct record.


Matters Arising


Rough Sleepers

An Officer of the City of London Police informed Members of the two Operations that were currently being implemented to combat the issue of anti-social behaviour by rough sleepers. Members were advised that Operation Fennel was a police-led operation to stop aggressive begging by issuing tickets to people begging and providing them with support and a place to stay. Operation Acton focussed on those rough sleepers who had refused all other offers of help.


Street Trading

In response to a Member’s question, the Assistant Director of Environmental Health and Public Protection advised that Enforcement Officers had visited a number of street traders on Millennium Bridge with a view to seize property or issue Fixed Penalty Notices if they continued to trade illegally. Members were also updated of enforcement action against ice-cream vans trading within the City. The Assistant Director of Environmental Health and Public Protection advised that three vans had been seized and undertakings had been signed to ensure that they would not return to trade in the City.


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