Agenda item

Revenue Budgets - 2015/16

Joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection.



The Committee considered a joint report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection that sought approval of the provisional revenue budget for 2015/16, for subsequent submission to the Finance Committee.


Members were advised that the newly introduced Late Light Levy was the most significant change to the 2015/16 budget from previous years but figures were still provisional as all variations to premises licences had not been confirmed yet.


Members noted that the total 2013/14 expenditure in relation to employees, premises related expenses, and supplies and services was £453,000 not £423,000 as stated in the report. Members were also advised that the latest approved 2014/15 budget for support services and capital charges was £155,000 and would be £152,000 in 2015/16.



a)    the provisional 2015/16 revenue budget reflected the Committee objectives and be approved for submission to the Finance Committee; and

b)    the Chamberlain be authorised to revise these budgets for changes in respect of the Late Night Levy and of recharges.

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