Agenda item

Update on the Late Night Levy

Oral report by the Licensing Manager.


The Committee received an oral update on the Late Night Levy (LNL) from the Assistant Director of Environmental Health and Public Protection.


Members were advised that the number of premises selling alcohol between 00:01 and 06:00 had increased from 290 to 293 since original forecasts were made. Officers had expected 30% of affected premises to submit variations to bring their selling hours outside the LNL period but to date only 64 premises had submitted variations. Members were advised that premises would now be charged if they wished to submit a variation.


The Assistant Director reported that 25 premises had achieved the required standard for Safety Thirst, thus receiving a 30% discount. Members were advised that this figure was unlikely to exceed 35 premises. As a result, the amount of money to be raised by the LNL was likely to be in the region of £340,000. This would equate to a Police portion of approximately £230,000 and a Local Authority portion to the City Corporation of approximately £100,000. Six and twelve month figures would be reported to Members at the appropriate Committee meetings.


RESOLVED – That the Late Night Levy update be received.