Agenda item

City of London Gresham Almshouses Update

Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Community & Children’s Services providing an update on the City of London Gresham Almshouses in Lambeth.


Officers reported that the completion date for the community hall and office had been delayed from the end of October to the second week in November. Members noted that the Housing Management and Almshouses Sub Committee had resolved that Christmas Hampers would continue to be purchased as in previous years, and it was noted that the annual visit to distribute them would take place on 10th December 2014.


In response to Members’ questions, officers advised that estimates regarding the road repairs and lighting had been requested but not yet received. Members noted that the Almshouses were in a conservation area but the buildings themselves weren’t listed. Members requested a list of Livery Companies that ran sheltered housing or Almshouses schemes, and asked officers to liaise with the City Surveyor’s Department about ensuring the Almshouses were kept to a good standard and were included in the capital projects scheme. Members also requested more detail on the chart summarising the Corporation’s six sheltered housing schemes appended to the report.



(a)  A list of Livery Companies that ran sheltered housing or Almshouses schemes be circulated to Members;

(b)  Officers liaise with the City Surveyor’s Department ensuring the Almshouses were kept to a good standard and were included in the capital projects scheme;

(c)  More detail on the chart summarising the Corporation’s six sheltered housing schemes appended to the report be circulated to Members; and

(d)  The report be noted.

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