Agenda item

Any Other Business That the Chairman Considers Urgent


Park Champions

The Chairman noted that the Hampstead Heath Management Committee had considered a recent report of the Heritage Lottery Fund on public open spaces, one recommendation of which was the adoption of Park Champions, typically local politicians who were in a position to act as advocates of their local open spaces. He added that the management committee felt it best the local ward Councillors among its membership were best places to fulfill such a role for the Heath, with similar appointments for Queen’s Park and Highgate Wood from among their consultative committees.


Chairman’s Last Meeting

The Chairman noted that this would be the last Consultative Committee meeting he would Chair - before he stood down as Chairman at the end of his three year term in April 2015. He thanked members of the consultative committee for their role as an essential source of advice and guidance.


Jeremy Wright

The Chairman then noted that it was also the last meeting of Jeremy Wright, who had represented the Heath and Hampstead Society on the Consultative Committee for many years. He thanked Mr Wright for his comments and guidance during that time and called on him to accept, on behalf of the Committee, a framed print of the nineteenth century Heath as a small token of the Committee’s thanks.