Agenda item

Progress Report

To receive a progress report of the Chief Grants Officer.


The Committee received the regular progress report of the Chief Grants Officer and discussed the updates provided, including:


Quinquennial Review

The Chief Grants Officer gave an update on staffing changes and introduced Sufina Ahmad, Head of Strategic Quinquennial Review. Ms Ahmad advised the Committee that she had begun meeting with the Trust’s team and officers within the Corporation to learn more about their perspective on City Bridge Trust’s work as well as external facing work with a small number of stakeholders, which would increase from October. Members noted that a more detailed project plan and Communications Strategy were being finalised, which would build on the proposals shared at previous committee meetings.


The City Bridge Trust 20th Anniversary

The Chief Grants Officer provided a summary of what was achieved in the year and what continued to be works in progress. Members noted that a substantive report about the work regarding strategic grants to support the voluntary sector ("The Way Ahead" report) would be brought to the Committee meeting in November, along with a draft strategy and implementation plan regarding the philanthropy work. A report on Funder Plus was well advanced and would be presented soon (November/January). The work on employability was similarly on going for a future report before the end of the financial year.


Stepping Stones

Members noted that the third round of the Stepping Stones Fund was currently underway with 77 applications received, far higher than in previous rounds. Owing to this continued high demand, a paper would be brought to the November Committee meeting regarding the future of the project.


LGBT Seminar

Officers reported that the seminar had taken place on 21st July, and thanked Edward Lord for his work in organising and chairing the event. Feedback from delegates was very positive, and some of the key suggestions would be taken forward in conjunction with Trust for London, London Councils and other key supporters, including Livery companies wherever possible.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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