Agenda item

Management Work Plan for the Hampstead Fleet Stream compartment

Report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath.


The Committee received a report of the Superintendent of Hampstead Heath regarding a Management Work Plan for the Hampstead Heath Fleet Stream compartment. The Assistant Ecologist advised members that the compartment had been divided into nine distinct sections for easier description of the site and more structured management aims.


With regards to the works required as part of the Ponds Project that would have some influence on the ecology in the Lime Avenue-Catchpit section, John Hunt noted that the unusual flora in this area would need to be protected. He and Michael Hammerson added that the areas adjacent to the Hampstead Fleet Stream that were of importance to fungi should also be protected.


The Chairman advised members that the Management Work Plan was at final draft stage so any further comments would be welcomed by the Superintendent.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


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