Report of the Director of the Built Environment.
The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning Ludgate Hill crossing.
The Chairman reported that a letter had been received from ‘Living Streets’ in which concern was expressed regarding the proposed trial which they considered would have a negative effect on pedestrians and motor traffic flows. They considered that traffic congestion in Ludgate Hill was the result of problems in other locations, such as Ludgate Circus Junction. The Sub Committee acknowledged these concerns.
The Sub Committee noted that the recommended option would provide the benefit of permanent improvement to the public realm in the area, regardless of the type of crossing provided. The widened footway would remain in place with either a signalised or a zebra crossing, allowing more circulation space for pedestrians whilst still accommodating road traffic in both directions.
The proposed option would also reduce the amount of overall impact of disruption caused by the works, as there would be no requirement to remove the footway infrastructure at the end of the trial. The benefits of the footway widening would continue to be felt following the culmination of the trial, and would better serve the safety of pedestrians which the Sub Committee considered was paramount.
Members noted that this project would be undertaken in conjunction with the development of the Fleet Street Corridor Strategy.
The Sub Committee considered that a maximum wait time for pedestrians of 30 seconds would be appropriate. They felt that TfL’s proposal for a 68 second green time for vehicles wouLd be excessive, particularly during the lunch time period, and requested that Officers take this up with TfL.
RESOLVED – That approval be given for the following,
a) Option 3, with the trial results reported back to Members for a decision on the permanent crossing type in due course;
b) the start of works for the purpose of undertaking a 12 month trial, based on the revised costs as set out above and in sections 7 and 18 below;
c) to officers to pursue TfL LIP funding under delegated authority; and
d) the release of funds required to reach the next Gateway (£178,478) as outlined in section 18 below.
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