Agenda item

Fishmonger's Ramp

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


The Sub Committee considered a report of the Director of the Built Environment concerning the Riverside Walk Enhancement Strategy: Fishmongers’ Wharf Access Improvements.



a)    the project be approved at an estimated implementation cost of £379,000 funded from TfL LIP funding for 2014/15 (£100,000) and 2015/16 (£279,000);

b)    approval of the Gateway 5 report (Authority to Start Work) to be delegated to the Director of the Built Environment as per the Regular Route of the Project Approval Procedure; The underspend (£9,245.71) will be used to finalise the design towards Gateway 5;

c)    officers be authorised to enter into a licence agreement with the Fishmongers’ Company to allow construction of the works, subject to obtaining planning permission; and

d)    approval be given for the procurement approach in accordance with the City of London Procurement Regulations (January 2014).

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