Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Town Clerk which provided updates on actions outstanding from previous minutes. In addition to the report, the Town Clerk advised that a Work Programme for future meetings had been prepared. This was put around the table.


Efficiency Plan

The Chairman requested that the report on proposals to publish an Efficiency Plan were submitted to Members of the Sub-Committee prior to the Resource Allocation Sub-Committee Away Day. The Chamberlain advised that this may not be possible, but the report would certainly be circulated to the Sub-Committee immediately following the Away Day, at a minimum.


Strategic Energy Review

The Sub-Committee noted that a report would be submitted to the Committee’s July meeting regarding the Strategic Energy Review. The Chairman commented that, in the past, many of the energy reports considered by the Sub-Committee had been overly technical, and requested that Officers ensure that this report considered all aspects of the energy use of the Corporation from a more strategic level, including consumption, procurement and energy efficiency. A Member commented that it would be beneficial for any consumption figures to be normalised to provide the most accurate possible assessment of consumption.


Staff Suggestion Scheme

The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Deputy Town Clerk which advised the Sub-Committee of progress with the pilot of the Staff Suggestion Scheme.


The Sub-Committee considered whether this may be a matter which would be appropriately considered by the Establishment Committee. The Deputy Town Clerk advised that the purpose of the Staff Suggestion Scheme was to seek to improve the effectiveness of the Corporation, so most appropriately sat with this Sub-Committee.


Members commented that there were indications that the main problem with the Suggestion Scheme at present was that there was not sufficient investigation of suggestions, particularly in some departments. Members commented that it would be beneficial to review the Departments which had been particularly effective with the Scheme, along with those which had been particularly ineffective, to determine best practice and how this could be implemented. The Chairman also commented that the report was not sufficiently clear regarding the objectives of the Scheme, and how those objectives could be achieved.


The Sub-Committee agreed that a further report on the Staff Suggestion Scheme should be submitted to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee, addressing the comments made by Members.


RESOLVED – That the Sub-Committee:

a)    notes the report;

b)    agrees that a further report on the Staff Suggestion Scheme be submitted to a future meeting of the Sub-Committee, addressing the comments made by Members.

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