Agenda item

Questions on matters relating to the work of the Board


1) Governors visits to the School

In answer to a Governor’s question, the Chairman stated that whilst most Governors felt that the existing situation whereby they be given the opportunity to attend lessons after Board meetings and Sub Committee meetings should continue, he encouraged Governors to visit lessons on other occasion when convenient to them and the School. It was noted that a register was kept of all Governors visits to the School.


The Headmaster confirmed that the School encouraged and facilitated such visits both and ensured that the Governors visited a range of subjects and age groups. He undertook to submit to the Board at its next meeting a plan of subject areas to be visited based around the Governors meetings.


2) Safeguarding training

In answer to a Governor’s question, the Headmaster encouraged Governors to attend one of the Safeguarding training sessions which were being provided by the Department of Community and Children’s Services. For the dates available, the Governors were reminded that they had been send an email on the subject by the Clerk the previous week.