Agenda item

Household recycling services and the requirements of the Waste Regulations 2011 (amended 2012) "TEEP"

Report of the Director of the Built Environment.


The Committee received a report of the Director of the Built Environment regarding the revised EU Waste Framework Directive (rWFD) that included a requirement for all collectors of waste to take measures to promote high quality recycling, which was transposed into English legislation by the Waste (England and Wales)(Amendment) Regulations 2012.


Members were advised it would be necessary for the City of London Corporation to review the way municipal recycled material was collected and to complete a formal assessment to ascertain whether it was technically, environmentally or economically practicable (‘TEEP’) to collect source separated recycling material. A report detailing the outcome of this assessment would be presented to the next appropriate Committee meeting.



a)    The report be noted; and

b)    A further report specifying the outcome of the assessment and the detail of any changes in service required, if any, to achieve full compliance with the regulations, be presented to a future Committee meeting.


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