Agenda item

Goodmans Field Briefing

Report of the Tower Hamlets CCG.


The meeting was inquorate for the consideration of the item.


The Chairman welcomed Jane Milligan from Tower Hamlets Clinical Commissioning Group and Paul Haigh and Gary Marlowe from City & Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group to the meeting.


Ms Milligan reported that the NHS in Tower Hamlets had been in discussions regarding the development of a health facility in the Aldgate area for a considerable amount of time, and since 2010 had  focused on the Goodman’s Field development as the most appropriate location to provide a health facility to meet the health and wellbeing needs of the local population and reduce health inequalities. Members noted that planning permission had now been obtained and the developers were aiming for a start date in autumn 2015 with final completion anticipated for summer 2019. A business case had been submitted to NHS England to amalgamate  two GP surgeries within the area, namely City Wellbeing and Whitechapel Health in the new facility.


In response to questions, Ms Milligan advised that, as the business case was still with NHS England, it was too soon to think about actively disseminating the message to local residents. She reported that more details concerning the future would be available in approximately 6 months. With regard to joined-up working, Mr Haigh reported that Tower Hamlets, City & Hackney, and Islington CCGs were working together to ensure services were aligned, and a workshop had been scheduled for January 2015.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.

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