Agenda item

City & Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group - 5 Year Plan

Report of City & Hackney CCG.


The meeting was inquorate for the consideration of the item.


Paul Haigh and Gary Marlowe from City & Hackney Clinical Commissioning Group presented the 5 year plan, they advised Members that CCGs across England were being invited to apply to take back primary care commissioning from NHS England, and City & Hackney CCG would be submitting an expression of interest in January 2015.


In response to a query, Mr Haigh reported that the Hackney model “One Hackney” would bring providers together to ensure patients in both City and Hackney experienced linked up services. The model was divided into four quadrants; the City being part of  the South Western quadrant. Mr Marlowe reported that although the quadrant did not have a City focus, City cases were always given a high priority and well-managed. The Assistant Director, Partnerships and Commissioning advised that the Corporation’s Social Care team had trained Care Navigators who linked in to the quadrant system. Members noted that resources and plans were in place to address any gaps in services that might be identified, and a workshop to highlight any issues had been scheduled between the City of London Corporation, the three main hospital trusts providing for City residents, and the three CCGs. (City and Hackney, Tower Hamlets and Islington)


With regard to the recent quality concerns over Barts Health Trust, Mr Haigh reported that the City & Hackney CCG had written to the Care Quality Commission and offered financial support to the Trust for improvements to outpatient services, and Tower Hamlets CCG were looking at overall quality and ensuring action plans were in place. Ms Milligan confirmed that there were a number of concerns, but a robust system was in place to review the Trust and, generally, once people were being treated they received a good standard of care, but there were ongoing problems with the administration and appointment systems.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


The Chairman thanked Ms Milligan, Mr Haigh and Mr Marlowe for attending and answering questions.

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