Agenda item

Community Safety Team Update

Report of the Community Safety Manager


The Community Safety Manager introduced a community safety update, noting the recent Behind Closed Doors event and the fact that the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham had a dedicated policy on identifying and assisting staff vulnerable to abuse, and therefore she was working with City of London Corporation Human Resources staff to identify elements of best-practice.

            She went on to note that she was now attending both Rape and Violence against Women and Girls steering groups, and that her team were regular attendees of SARA meetings with the City of London Police. She concluded by noting that upcoming work items included crime prevention at office Christmas parties in the City, including a campaign in conjunction with the Greater London Authority London Drugs and Alcohol Policy Forum.

            In response to a concern expressed by a member, officers replied that drunk-tanks were not in operation in the City, but that other initiatives such as close cooperation with the London Ambulance Service, prosecution of offending licensed premises, and preventative initiatives such as floor staff with alcometers were being trialed. The Assistant Director for Streetscene and Strategy noted that letters were being issued to companies in the City to remind them of their duty of care to their staff.




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