Agenda item

Healthwatch City of London Update

Report of Healthwatch City of London.


The meeting was inquorate for the consideration of the item.


The Sub Committee received a report from David Simpson from Healthwatch. Mr Simpson expanded on the items contained in the report, in particular the Healthwatch annual conference and AGM, which took place on 29 October 2014. A review of the year was presented by the Chair Samantha Mauger, followed by discussion groups which discussed various ways Healthwatch could work and engage more effectively with providers of services, young people, children and workers in the City of London.


Members had several questions regarding effective working with other Healthwatches, the level of response from surveys and focus groups, and how widely the newsletter was distributed. Mr Simpson undertook to submit a report to the next meeting regarding joined-up working practise with other Healthwatches, and to feed back details on the newsletter distribution via the Committee and Member Services Officer.



(a)  Healthwatch submit a report to the next meeting regarding joined-up working practise with other Healthwatches, and

(b)  Details on the Healthwatch newsletter distribution by circulated electronically outside the meeting.

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