Agenda item

Service Charge Expenditure and Income Account - Latest approved budget 2014/15 and original budget 2015/16

Joint Report of the Chamberlain and the Director of Community and Children’s Services


The Committee received a joint report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services and the Chamberlain, which set out the latest approved budget for 2014/15 and original 2015/16 for revenue expenditure; proposed for inclusion within the service charge in respect of dwellings.  Members noted that the report did not include any expenditure or income pertaining the car parking or stores. 


During the discussion of this item, the following matters were raised/noted:


  • Members felt that it would be helpful to see an apportionment of centralised services across the estate.


  • The Chairman was pleased to advise that the work of the underfloor heating party had been very effective; i.e. if the same amount of energy were to be used this year, as compared to 2 years ago, it would have cost 6% more.  If the new contract had not been put in place, there would have been an increase of 27%.  Members noted that there was a spike in January 2014, when the previous contract had ended. 


  • Members asked for an explanation about the charges for cleaners and house officers and why the numbers were changing.



The Service Charges Expenditure and Income Account (lasts approved budget 2014/15 and original budget 2015/16) be recommended to the BRC for approval. 


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