Agenda item

Community Safety Team Update

A report of the Community Safety Manager.


The Community Safety Manager introduced the Community Safety update, noting that the Terms of Reference for the Anti-Social Behavior Working Group had been amended which were for the Group to agree. This would ensure that Members of the working group were held accountable for the work they agreed to undertake during the meeting and provide an audit trail. She added that the Christmas Campaign to promote crime prevention and personal safety had been well received with 70 targeted visits to premises and 1,500 promotional bags being distributed within the City. In addition, the Behind Closed Doors event targeting businesses was held on the 28th November which had been well attended. Positive feedback had been given with 100% of attendees saying they would recommend the event to other people within their organisation, with a further 70% of attendees saying that they did not have a Domestic Abuse policy in their work place. As a result of feedback, the Community Safety Team was looking to standardising the way in which organisations can respond to Domestic Abuse. In response to a question, the The Assistant Director of Streetscene and Strategy agreed to provide statistical information regarding the number of Domestic Abuse cases received by the City of London Corporation broken down by area of residence.


The Group wanted to thank the City of London Corporation Lord Mayor, Linklaters and the Royal Bank of Scotland for their financial support for the Christmas initiatives.



·         the Terms of Reference for the Anti-social Behavior Working Group be agreed;

·         statistical information regarding the number of Domestic Abuse cases received by the City of London Corporation broken down by area of residence was provided at the next meeting; and

·         the report be noted.













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