Agenda item

Overview of Child Sexual Exploitation based on Rochdale and Rotherham.


The Assistant Director of Community and Children Services provided an overview of Child Sexual Exploitation, the report had been the product of a partnership exercise which had focussed on seven areas. This had resulted in the development of a Child Sexual Exploitation Action Plan which was specifically for the City of London Corporation and could be brought to the next meeting if requested.


He went on to note that within the City of London there were no reports of child sexual exploitation. However, there was a risk from transport hubs and the night time economy due to cross border movement such as with Tower Hamlets. He added that raising awareness of child sexual exploitation continued to be an issue and multi-agency work continued to combat this.    


The group discussed gang activity within the City of London with Superintendent McKoy assuring the Group that rigorous checks were undertaken when events were booked to ensure that unscrupulous promoters were reduced.


The Deputy Chairman thanked Children and Community Services for the report and the assurance that the situation was being monitored.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted


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