Agenda item

Outstanding Actions

To note the list of Outstanding Actions.


The Committee received the list of Outstanding Actions:


Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) visit

Members were advised that they would be given a second opportunity to visit to Veolia MRF on either Friday 27 February or Monday 2 March 2015, depending on which date was more popular. The Town Clerk would contact Members to arrange in due course.


Public Conveniences

Members referred back to the Service Based Review savings programme relating to Public Conveniences agreed at the last meeting. Members noted that there was a recent campaign by residents of the Bishopsgate Ward who aimed to keep the Public Conveniences in the area open. One Member added that a local business owner had recently complained to him about public urination in the area whilst the Public Conveniences were closed.


Members suggested that savings regarding the provision of Public Conveniences should be considered again. Mark Wheatley proposed that that Town Clerk should investigate the possibility that Public Conveniences be funded through City’s Cash as it was a non-statutory provision. This proposal was seconded by Deputy Stanley Ginsburg so the Committee proceeded to a vote on the matter.


It was RESOLVED that the Town Clerk investigate the possibility of providing a non-statutory service of Public Conveniences through City’s Cash funding.

Supporting documents: