Agenda item

City of London Cemetery and Crematorium Business Plan 2014-17 Progress Report (Period 2)

Report of the Director of Open Spaces.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Open Spaces that provided an update on progress against the elements of the Open Spaces Business Plan 2014-17 relating to the City of London Cemetery and Crematorium. Members were advised that performance had been good against key indicators and good progress had been made in delivering key projects, such as The Shoot project to deliver additional burial space.


The Superintendent of the Cemetery and Crematorium advised that there had been some problems experienced with cremator maintenance due to issues with the planning of maintenance work and relationships between the main and subcontractors. Members were advised that these were resolved through a series of meetings with the contractor, Mitie, in October 2014. In response to a Member’s question, the Superintendent added that the contract with Mitie was due for review in 2017.


In response to a Members’ questions, the Superintendent advised that the burial and cremation rates in the seven local boroughs served by the City of London Cemetery and Crematorium had shifted toward cremation in recent years.


RESOLVED – That the progress report be noted.

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