Agenda item




Robert Merrett asked a question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee regarding action taken to safeguard City of London Corporation systems against cyber-attacks, as well as seeking information as to the steps being taken to educate financial institutions and firms within the City about the threat posed by cyber-crime. In reply, the Chairman outlined the security arrangements in place across the City of London Corporation and its associated bodies, such as the City Academies and Schools. He also drew attention to the work undertaken by the City of London Police to educate companies within the City and the country as a whole about the risks of cybercrime, highlighting recent initiatives such as the ’Twelve Frauds of Christmas’ and ‘Cyber Streetwise’ campaigns, as well as the tailored national bi-monthly road shows.


Gresham Trust

Patrick Streeter asked a question of the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee concerning the City of London Corporation’s relationship with the Gresham Trust. In reply, the Chairman highlighted the distinction between the Gresham Trust and the Gresham College, setting out the terms of the Will and the contributions made by the City of London Corporation in supporting the Gresham College above and beyond the terms of the Will, such as the contribution of some £100,000 towards a biography of Sir Thomas Gresham.


In response to a supplementary question concerning the decision to merge the accounts of the Gresham Trust with the City’s Cash accounts, the Chairman advised that he was unaware that the merger was inappropriate and undertook to provide the Honourable Member with a full response should he submit his query in writing.