Agenda item

Update on Safety Thirst

The Licensing Manager to be heard.


The Committee received a verbal update from the Licensing Manager regarding Safety Thirst.


Members were advised that applications for 2015/16 would be received from 1 March to 30 June 2015 and that the awards ceremony would take place on 12 October 2015 in the Livery Hall, Guildhall.


The Licensing Manager advised that the criterion for achieving the award was in the process of being graded. Premises would achieve different levels on the award beyond ‘pass’ and awards for different types of premises would also be introduced.


In response to a Member’s question regarding the reaction of business who failed to achieve the award, the Licensing Manager advised that multi-national businesses tended to be concerned at not achieving the award so had implemented improvements to aid a second application.


RESOLVED – That the update on Safety Thirst be noted.